Where do we go from here?

It’s time to take stock. With travel restricted, the Freewheeling Freelancer is hardly freewheeling and not doing much freelancing. I write this blog for you, my readers, and there are hundreds of you (I’m not an influencer!). So let’s figure out together where to take this site.

This blog started seven years ago, and it has followed me through some major changes. Three years ago, I retired from commercial translation (the “freelancer” part), to devote myself to my own books. I still translate about one book a year, but a manuscript has to “spark joy” for me to accept it now.

The Freewheeling Freelancer blog has three major components (and three readerships, I learned):

  1. The travelogue. Your armchair trip with me. I can recycle old trips, but the pandemic has new adventures on hold.
  2. The how-to and lessons learned about working on the road, for those who might want to get out there. I have been recycling and updating these lately.
  3. The stories. My sea stories, short stories and vignettes. These are moving to my author website.

Please take a few seconds to share your thoughts:

I’ll be back in two weeks. Next Saturday, Hilda will star in another adventure at jthine.com. Enjoy!

Smooth roads & tailwinds,


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